Complete of this final year project would never be possible without the help and encouragement from various group of people.
My project supervisor, Mr Lim Tian Sze has morally supported me throughout this hard period; he taught me the correct attitude that I should have when facing problems in this project. And I know this attitude is not only useful in engineering field’s activities but in all aspects of our daily life.
My Industrial Training program supervisor, the head of R&D electronic line, Mr Chir Kai Chang who has allowed me to do my final year project during ITP. He has been patient and helpful to guide me step by step until finish designing the protocol. I do not only learn a lot of knowledge from him, but also strengthen my skill and knowledge in this field.
MMU lecture, Mr Muhammad Muslim Mansor who has providing me a lot of valuable information during designing state of this project.
I’m also indebted to this project’s moderator, MS. Kwek Lee Chung who aided me by her inquisitive during the first part presentation.
A special note of thanks also goes to my friends Mr. Er Tsaur Jzi, Mr. Chong Sze Siang, Mr. Chua Tze An, Mr. David Lee, Ms Marilyn and Ms Wong Xiao Chyi who helped and morally supported me throughout this hard period. Without their support, my project can hardly achieve a success.
Lastly, my family, their love encouragements were the main force driving me on whenever I felt tat time is ruining low. Thank you.